
Showing posts from December, 2020

The ear that turns to me!

B. A. Manakala Save me and rescue me, for you do what is right. Turn your ear to listen to me, and set me free. (Ps 71:2 nlt) Recently I spoke to an old man who has almost a deaf ear. When I spoke to him he often put his right hand behind his right ear and turned his ear to me and asked me to repeat what I said. I had to shout aloud to speak to him. The Psalmist's prayer is to turn the Lord's ear to him as he wants to be rescued and saved (Ps 71:2). The Lord's ear is not too deaf to hear our call (Is 59:1). He listens to those who worship Him and do His will (Jn 9:31). I wish the Lord doesn't turn His ear to me when I am angry and speak nonsense! What does the Lord hear when He turns His ear to me? Do not just expect the Lord to turn His ear to you always; turn your ear to Him also! Prayer: Lord, please listen to me and let me listen to you also. Amen

Why do I come to God?

B. A. Manakala O Lord, I have come to you for protection; don’t let me be disgraced. (Ps 71:1 nlt) About ten years ago I would pick up my mobile phone only to make phone calls. But today I use my mobile phone for several other things than just phone calls: to read the Bible, to view my prayer points, to read, hear or watch news, for entertainment, to navigate while driving, use it as a calculator, camera, recorder etc. In short, it does more than what my computer can do! The psalm talks about several benefits of knowing God: protection, rescue, shamelessness etc. We may have heard or had some benefits of knowing the true God. I do not think we can ever truly understand all the benefits of knowing God, at least until we get to heaven one day. Let us never be satisfied with just the transient blessings from God, rather focus more on what is eternal. Do I go to God to receive what is seen, or to receive what is unseen? God's blessings for us are many; unfortunately we desire only for

Just poor or needy?

B. A. Manakala But as for me, I am poor and needy; please hurry to my aid, O God. You are my helper and my savior; O Lord, do not delay. (Ps 70:5 nlt) A man was sick for thirty eight years and was lying beside a pool called Bethesda. Anyone who gets into the pool first, when it bubbles, will be healed. Jesus passed by and asked him “would you like to get well?” It is one thing to be poor and another to be needy . Surely the man at the pool was there because he wanted to be healed. And I wonder why Jesus asked him the question. It may be that he has been disappointed and became hopeless even after being there for many years. If we are satisfied with our current state we are not needy anymore. In fact, from an earthly point of view we are always needy and our wants never end. But from a spiritual point of view we often get stagnant. God expects us to get more and give more spiritually. Are you just poor or needy? Help is more closer to the needy than the poor! Prayer: Lord, let me never

God is great!

B. A. Manakala But may all who search for you be filled with joy and gladness in you. May those who love your salvation repeatedly shout, “God is great!” (Ps 70:4 nlt) ‘Cricket is our religion’ is a famous slogan that many Indians shout. Those who love the game and are crazy about it would hold up a slogan of this kind. Could some of these be considered as our slogans : 'WhatsApp me', 'I am busy', 'my mobile phone', 'let us have fun', 'I got a job'? The theme of our life will be evident in what we speak often. 'God is great' is the best slogan for those who truly know God. If we repeat this as often as possible we will make an impact in our own life as well as in the life of others who are around us. If I reflect on the past one week, what  phrases may have been my slogan? We can determine our own slogan and choose to shout it as often as we want! Prayer: Lord, let me always have a slogan that would please You. Amen

Quick help

B. A. Manakala Please, God, rescue me! Come quickly, Lord, and help me. (Ps 70:1 nlt) Jesus was informed that Lazarus, his dear friend, was sick. But Jesus stayed where he was for the next two days! By the time he went Lazarus was dead and his body was in the tomb for four days! His sister Martha told Jesus: "if you had been here my brother would not have died." We generally need quick help for our needs as David desired (Ps. 70:1). God does everything perfectly at the appointed time (Ecc. 3). But His timing may not always match with our’s. Sometimes it would appear that He does not help us on time. From a human point of view, Martha was right in saying that my brother died because Jesus arrived late! She probably understood that it was the perfect time for God after her brother was raised up. In fact, God is always ready to help in times of trouble (Ps. 46:1) and He is always with us (Mtt. 28:20). How do I remind myself of His continuous presence with me? When working with G

Love and obedience

B. A. Manakala The descendants of those who obey him will inherit the land, and those who love him will live there in safety. (Ps 69:36 nlt) I do not enjoy cooking! But I get involved in the kitchen and cook once a week because I love my family and to have fun with them. My wife and daughter enjoy cooking. I enjoy eating all that they cook, and it motivates them to cook more! We love the times we have together. What a blessed relationship on earth that was established by God! Love and obedience go together. In other words, lack of love is the major reason for disobedience. If our relationship with God and men are bound by love it would also  be accompanied by joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Gal. 5:22). David speaks of the inheritance and the safety for those who obey and love God (Ps. 69:36). It is important to check if our love for God and people are growing. How has your love for God and others been growing? Growing in the love of

Heaven and earth praise!

B. A. Manakala Praise him, O heaven and earth, the seas and all that move in them. (Ps 69:34 nlt) Recently I purchased a table online. It had to be assembled after it arrived. Though the company offered to assemble it for us for a low fee I was curious to assemble it myself. Though it took me a few hours to complete, it gave me a lot of pleasure when I finished the assembly myself. All of God's creation praises God (Ps 69:34)! But how do the lifeless things praise? In the beginning when God created everything at the end of each day He found that all that He created was good. He found pleasure in what He did. Once Jesus mentioned about the stones bursting into cheers (Lk 19:40). We are expected to praise God always as God's creation. Unlike the non-living creation we often miss out on praising God. How am I doing in praising God? All of God's creation praises God without any reminders; but we need reminders! Prayer: Lord, help me to praise you  along with the rest of your cr

Cry of the needy

B. A. Manakala For the Lord hears the cries of the needy; he does not despise his imprisoned people. (Ps 69:33 nlt) 'Poverty Line' is a benchmark set by the Indian government to categorise people who need assistance from the government for their sustenance. 25% of the Indian population live below the poverty line. God hears the cry of the needy (Ps 69:33). There is something common between the rich and the poor - God made them both (Pro 22:2). So, they both exist because God permits. God's special care for the poor and the afflicted is evident across the scripture (Ps 140:12); but we do not have to be poor for God to hear our prayers. Those who believe in Him can always sense the need for spiritual food. Being poor in the spirit (Mtt. 5:3) is nothing but our desire to grow into a better spiritual maturity. Spiritually however blessed we are, we are very far away from being perfect. Am I needy and cry for my spiritual need? There is only One who knows well about our physical

The humble will see God

B. A. Manakala The humble will see their God at work and be glad. Let all who seek God’s help be encouraged. (Ps 69:32 nlt) Once a school principal squeaked into a noisy classroom through a window. Though one of the students noticed somebody watching them he just ignored it. But two of them who noticed that it was the principal became extremely silent and slowly warned the others! David recognises here that only the humble can see God (Ps 69:32). Moses was the most humble man on earth (Num 12:3)! And he is the only man in the Bible who knew the Lord face to face (Deu 34:10)! The more humble we become the better we will see our God; the more we see our God the more humble we become! That is an amazing relationship. Humility expressed through our life is one of the most important ways others will use to measure our relationship with God. How do I see God and what effect does it have on me? If I claim to see God and do not become more and more humble, I am just lying that I see God! Praye

This will please the Lord

B. A. Manakala For this will please the Lord more than sacrificing cattle, more than presenting a bull with its horns and hooves. (Ps 69:31 nlt) My friend and I were having a meal as guests in a house. My friend finished one of those side dishes quickly as he did not like it, so that he can enjoy the rest of the meal. But he was served more of the same dish as the host felt that he liked it so well! David had the confidence to say that it is his praise, singing, thanksgiving and worship that pleased the Lord (Ps 69:30-31). If I keep giving to God something that He is not pleased with, it would only be like serving the dish my friend did not like! God looks at the essential qualities of our heart - attitude, sincerity, love etc that would accompany our offering. God may not accept all the offerings! Remember Cain (Gen 4:5). Do I really know what pleases the Lord? Has the Lord been truly pleased with what I have been offering? My offering to God is meaningful only if it is something that

THEN I will praise!

B. A. Manakala Then I will praise God’s name with singing, and I will honor him with thanksgiving. (Ps 69:30 nlt) To get our children involved in the household chores we parents offer them with some exciting reward. The evaluation and rewarding are done usually over the weekend. Once they receive the reward they are motivated for the next week also. As David, we also need to praise God as He has saved us from suffering and pain (Ps. 69:29-30). Sometimes we need others to remind us to praise God for the good things God has done for us. But it is important to practice praising God every moment in our life because whatever He has done on earth and to us are praiseworthy. So, our praise of God must not depend on what He has done personally to us. How do I praise God always, and not just for the good things He has done personally to me? God’s work for us is not conditional; but we human beings are generally conditional! Prayer: Lord, open my eyes to see all the good things You have done so

Erase their names?

B. A. Manakala Erase their names from the Book of Life; don’t let them be counted among the righteous. (Ps 69:28 nlt) During a picnic we decided to get on a particular ride. We were four and only three seats were left for that ride. One of us, though he had the desire to go, willingly said, ‘I will opt out, three of you can go’. David’s prayer here in the verse (Ps. 69:28) is to erase the names of his enemies from the book of life! He may be referring to a book of records that was maintained for Israelites (Ez. 13:9). The names of those who died were removed from this book. We desire that more names are added to the Book of Life (Rev. 3:5). Once Moses prayed to God to remove his name from God’s book if God cannot forgive the sins of the people Moses was leading (Ex. 32:32)! Paul also expressed his willingness to be cursed and cut off from Christ if that would save his people (Rom 9:2)! I wish to grow into the spiritual maturity that Moses and Paul demonstrate here. God will never erase

Love your enemies

B. A. Manakala Pour out your fury on them; consume them with your burning anger. (Ps 69:24nlt) If I were on the cross in place of Jesus, and if at all I had some love for those who would kill me, perhaps, my prayer for them would have been something like, ‘Father, forgive these cruel people … ’! Jesus’ prayer, ‘Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing’ shows his true love for his enemies. Based on the Old Testament law may be David had the right to pray these curses upon his enemies (Ps 69: 22-28). But if I am in need of these types of cursing prayers today it only means that I am not a genuine Christian. But what Jesus taught us is to love our enemies and to bless those who curse us (Lk 6:28). Stand against the devil who is our real enemy; but stand with people. Do I bless my enemies as Jesus did? Always love humankind, but not their evil deeds! Prayer: Lord, let me never have enemies other than the devil. Amen

Blind eyes!

B. A. Manakala Let their eyes go blind so they cannot see, and make their bodies shake continually. (Ps 69:23 nlt) His diary was missing from his office table. He kept searching for it for some time. Finally, he called his assistant and asked him 'where is my diary?' The officer was ashamed when his assistant pointed to the diary on his table in front of him! Our enemy often has blind eyes because of God's protection upon us. But he has blinded the eyes of many (2 Cor 4:4). If a blind guides another blind both will fall (Mtt 15:14). There is only One whose eyes are always open. The Lord watches over those who fear and rely on Him (Ps 33:18). But when people turn away from Him and go their own way He also would blind their eyes (Is 6:10). There are also things that we cannot see unless we close our eyes! Do I see the blind ones around me? Even our seeing eyes will get blind when we live in darkness! Prayer: Lord, open my inner eyes to see you and others with the right perspe

Prosperity as a trap!

B. A. Manakala Let the bountiful table set before them become a snare and their prosperity become a trap. (Ps 69:22 nlt) “When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous.” said Wayne Dyer. In the above verse the Psalmist anticipates prosperity as a trap (Ps 69:22)! Because prosperity is also part of the fallen world (Ps 73:12; Lk 18:25). It can be considered a blessing only if it's in the right hands with the right perspective. Those who trust in God will truly prosper (Pro 28:25). God's children are prosperous as their focus is on God though they may be "poor" from a worldly perspective. How prosperous I am from a heavenly perspective? True prosperity is not about how much you have, but about how much you give! Prayer: Lord, let me be prosperous as you desire. Amen

Sour wine or Living Water?

B. A. Manakala But instead, they give me poison for food; they offer me sour wine for my thirst. (Ps 69:21 nlt) I was so tired and thirsty after a long walk. When I said I am thirsty, I was given a highly sweetened drink. But I had to ask for plain water again as the sweet drink did not quench my thirst. When I am too thirsty, no expensive drinks other than plain water would satisfy me! Sour wine is said to be one of the favourite drinks of the Roman soldiers; and it was offered to David also (Ps. 69:21). This cannot usually quench the thirst of anyone; it is used only by those who want to get drunk. What the world offers us when we are thirsty may not actually quench our thirst. They would be attractive and appear to be great drinks that can satisfy us. Even when Jesus expressed his thirst on the cross he was offered the sour wine to drink! To the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus offered the real drink that quenches her thirst forever (John 4:10)! The same Living Water is available

Fragile heart

B. A. Manakala Their insults have broken my heart, and I am in despair. If only one person would show some pity; if only one would turn and comfort me. (Ps 69:20 nlt) The little girl was unaware about what is breakable and what is not. She pulled the table spread down along with the cups on top. The cups fell and scattered across the room! She enjoyed watching the whole scene, while the rest of the family members stood breathless! I am as soft as butter! I break easily as a cup! What would it be other than the human heart? Some people may be very bold and strong. But the human heart is generally fragile and may break any time! It is just silly insults of other people that broke the heart of David (Ps 69:20). Interestingly, one heart can strengthen another heart. This is why God created a companion for Adam and established the concept of family on earth. In addition, we are also part of a larger fellowship which is called church. If our hearts are generally broken it indicates that we n

Shame, scorn and disgrace?

B. A. Manakala You know of my shame, scorn, and disgrace. You see all that my enemies are doing. (Ps 69:19 nlt) Recently my car broke down during a long trip! It had to be towed to a service centre. After the diagnosis they came up with a list of things that needed urgent attention: the clutchplate, pressure plate and flywheel must be changed! In addition they also gave a list of other things to be done as part of the regular service. Moreover, they recommended another list of problems that may be done now or a little later. I was overwhelmed by seeing the list of repairs they came up with! Our enemy usually has a lot to offer us. David had shame, scorn and disgrace from his enemies (Ps. 69:19). But we cannot assume that all his offers would always be negative. He may also offer us things that appear to be good and beneficial. The offers at the car service centre sounded to be beneficial to me. But the fact is that they exist for their own benefit too. Our enemy’s schemes would sometim

Freedom and redemption

B. A. Manakala Come and redeem me; free me from my enemies. (Ps 69:18 nlt) On a snowy day as they drove through the highway they noticed a pipe on the road side. They were curious as the pipe’s mouth was open while everything else was buried under the snow. As they watched a dog came out from it. Gradually they found out that her puppies were also inside. They rescued all of them from the cold weather, took them to safety and provided them a shelter. David prays to God to redeem and free him from his enemies (Ps. 69:18). All of us enjoy freedom from enemies. Therefore, we pray for freedom. But we often forget that just freedom is not enough for us, as that might be transient. We need freedom; but we need redemption even more as it has eternal value. We have been given freedom from our sins  and have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:7). How can I choose to enjoy more on the redemptive work of God, than on the temporary freedom on earth? We may be able to enjoy various

Quick fix

B. A. Manakala Don’t hide from your servant; answer me quickly, for I am in deep trouble! (Ps 69:17 nlt) I usually want a quick fix for any minor household repairs. I become a plumber, electrician, mason, carpenter etc until the repair is done. Though generally my quick fix would work well, sometimes the problem gets worse! All of us generally need a quick fix for any of our problems. Sometimes God gives a better fix for us quickly; but not always. Adam and Eve made their clothing with leaves! But God made leather clothing for them quickly! But Joseph had to go through around 13 years of trouble before he became the prime minister in Egypt as per his dream. In the midst of a deep trouble, desiring a quick solution is natural like David (Ps 69:17). However, sometimes we may have to wait and see the beautiful fix God will do for us. How can I trust God for a heavenly fix rather than a quick fix? God has the best solution for you though it may not be a quick fix! Prayer: Lord, teach me to

Plentiful mercy

B. A. Manakala Answer my prayers, O Lord, for your unfailing love is wonderful. Take care of me, for your mercy is so plentiful. (Ps 69:16 nlt) Once a mouse ran over a cat that was sleeping. And it was caught by the cat. The mouse requested ‘please be merciful and leave me alone; I may also show you mercy another time’. The cat let it go. Next day the cat got caught in a hunter's net. The mouse came running, hearing the cry for help. The mouse cut the net and set the cat free! God’s mercy and unfailing love for us are plentiful (Ps. 69: 16) and never get exhausted! As we are created in the image of God, by nature we are merciful. But the fallen nature in us leads us to either show mercy to those who are merciful to us, or show no mercy at all after a certain extent.  The best way to be merciful is to think of God’s mercy towards us. I often wonder at God’s mercy to me! I exist today just because of His mercy! Can I measure the depth of God’s mercy for me and be merciful to others i

Deep waters

B. A. Manakala Don’t let the floods overwhelm me, or the deep waters swallow me, or the pit of death devour me. (Ps 69:15 nlt) We visited a beach some time ago. A signboard there gave us this warning: 'Bathing in the sea is prohibited'! Then we also heard that recently someone died on this spot! Then, it was even scary to be on the beach! The Psalmist appears to be afraid of the deep waters and the pit of death (Ps 69:15). Often, we look at our problems like deep waters and we may be overwhelmed by them. Deep waters or problems are real, and they exist! And they will continue to be there as long as we are here on earth. But how we look at them is more important. It might be encouraging to think of Jesus who walked on the water, and Peter, an ordinary human, who was enabled to do the same. The general human tendency is to focus on the problems. When we meditate on the depths of the waters, we gradually sink into it. When we meditate on the power of God, we gradually gain confide

Sinking deeper?

B. A. Manakala Rescue me from the mud; don’t let me sink any deeper! Save me from those who hate me, and pull me from these deep waters. (Ps 69:14 nlt) I was scheduled to attend an important meeting. 15 minutes before the meeting I ran to a hypermarket nearby, to buy something that is urgently required for the meeting. At the shop, I quickly picked up what I wanted. Suddenly I was attracted to something else beside it and thought to have a look at it. Then I went on picking up several other things that I liked. Finally, I realised I had forgotten about the meeting and missed it! The Psalmist's prayer in the above verse is noteworthy: "Don't let me sink any deeper!" Sinking in mud is too dangerous! Likewise sinking in the patterns of this world too! In this world several things are very attractive to us. Unless we are disciplined and careful we may get sunk in them. Before it is too late, it is important for us to examine whether there is something that is sinking us i

Keep praying

B. A. Manakala But I keep praying to you, Lord, hoping this time you will show me favor. In your unfailing love, O God, answer my prayer with your sure salvation. (Ps 69:13 nlt) Once a friend visited me at midnight. I had no food, though he was very hungry. I went to another friend in my neighbourhood and knocked. His initial response was disappointing as he was fast asleep along with his children. But when I begged again he got up and gave me as much as I needed (Bible). There is only One to whom we can keep asking; there is only One who can give us anything that we ask for! We may have good friends who would be willing to help us any time with anything that we want. But there is a limit to how much those friends can do for us. Our God knows very well what we need even before we pray. Then why keep praying? I believe He delays answers to our prayers because He loves to listen to our voice and stay in fellowship with us always. Therefore, let us keep talking to Him whether we have a ne

Are you the favourite topic?

B. A. Manakala I am the favorite topic of town gossip, and all the drunks sing about me. (Ps 69:12 nlt) “He was a prophet, he did powerful miracles. But our religious leaders crucified and killed him. Our hope was that he would be the Messiah to rescue Israel. This all happened three days ago." The gossip reached the ears of Jesus who was the reason for the gossip! Gossip is generally about passing on negative comments about others. But there could also be positive gossip on positive topics. Sometimes we will be happy when we hear about what people are talking about us. But sometimes we will be sad to hear about what people are talking about us. Both godly and wicked people gossip; it is important that you make the best topic for their discussion. You cannot write a topic for gossiping about you and give it to others; they just read it from your life. Do you make a favourite topic for positive gossip for others? What do others gossip about you? Your life could be a great lesson fo

Do people scoff at you?

B. A. Manakala When I weep and fast, they scoff at me. (Ps 69:10 nlt) You said you can build this temple in three days. Let us see if you can save yourself and come down from the cross. This was how Jesus was scoffed when he was on the cross. I wonder what would have been his thoughts when he heard all this. In the above verse (Ps 69:10) the author was scoffed because he was fasting and praying! Of course, being on the cross, fasting etc are not very comfortable and pleasant experiences, though these would have eternal benefits. Only those who cannot see the bigger picture may scoff at you. I wonder what would have been the thoughts of those people who scoffed at Jesus, three days later when he was resurrected. If you are insulted for unrealistic reasons you may only want to rejoice about it. When you are insulted  for no reasons just know that it is because the ones who insult you are jealous of you. You have a great reward in heaven (Mtt. 5:11). But in case you are insulted for true

Are you insulted when God is?

B. A. Manakala Passion for your house has consumed me, and the insults of those who insult you have fallen on me. (Ps 69:9 nlt) My grandfather was an extremely good person, except when he consumed alcohol. Then he would become angry, curse and call God all kinds of names. As a young boy, I used to be afraid and sad, hearing his outrages. When Miriam spoke against Moses, it provoked God into action. He was angry with her and gave her a skin disease for the next seven days! When others insult a child of God, He is also insulted. Those who touch His children touch the apple of His eye! (Zech. 2:8) The reverse is also true. The Psalmist was  filled with passion and love for the Lord when he wrote in Ps 69:9, that he is insulted when others insult God. How does it affect me, when others insult my God? If we truly love God we will be insulted when God is! Prayer: Lord, let my love and passion for you be true always. Amen

Treated as a stranger?

B. A. Manakala Even my own brothers pretend they don’t know me; they treat me like a stranger. (Ps 69:8 nlt) His brothers threw him into a cistern and later sold him to the traders passed by. But gradually he became the prime minister of Egypt. Later, as he had dreamt long ago, his brothers came and bowed at his feet, without realising that it was their brother Joseph whom they had sold many years ago! The next moments of reunion, fellowship and celebration they had together will let anyone shed joyful tears! We all would have brothers and sisters and parents either as our own or in our spiritual relationships. Either way, they may consider you a stranger at times. You may have to still trust God and accept them as your own just as Joseph did to his brothers, rather than considering a revenge.  Peter who walked with Jesus about three years pretended as though he never knew him, when Jesus was about to be crucified. There is only one who said with confidence ‘I am with you always’; and

Cause humiliation?

B. A. Manakala Don’t let those who trust in you be ashamed because of me, O Sovereign Lord of Heaven’s Armies. Don’t  let me cause them to be humiliated, O God of Israel. (Ps 69:6 nlt) The school was fed up with the boy because of his naughty behaviour. Finally, he was asked to bring his guardian to the school. The father arrived and the principal asked several questions to the father. But he stood humiliated and ashamed, listening to all the complaints about his son. Humiliation can happen in two ways: 1) you can cause humiliation in others 2) others can cause humiliation in you. You may not necessarily know or feel bad when you cause humiliation in others. Sometimes you may never even know how you may be causing humiliation in others. You may not be hurt when others are humiliated; but it will usually hurt you when you are humiliated (Ps. 69:6-8). Sometimes, even God may be ashamed of us! It may be easy to let other people speak beautiful testimonies about you. But what about God’s t

How foolish I am!

B. A. Manakala O God, you know how foolish I am; my sins cannot be hidden from you. (Ps 69:5 nlt) The parents bought ice-cream and warned their young boy, not to mention anything about it to other kids in the neighbourhood. But as soon as they reached back, the boy announced loudly: 'we haven’t bought any ice-creams today!' I am often like this boy before God. I think my ideas, what I speak, what I do, the way I do etc are brilliant. But God knows how foolish I am (Ps 69:5). But it is even meaningful to acknowledge myself how foolish I am before the Almighty God! Our attempts to hide our sins and justify ourselves before God are classic evidences for our foolishness! It would rather be good to depend on God's foolishness than on our own wisdom. The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God (1 Cor. 3:19). How willingly do you acknowledge your foolishness before God? The true vision I will see about myself when I see God is 'how foolish I am!' Prayer: Lord, teach me

Did you return that?

B. A. Manakala Those who hate me without cause outnumber the hairs on my head. Many enemies try to destroy me with lies, demanding that I give back what I didn’t steal. (Ps 69:4 nlt) Many years ago as I returned from school my mother asked me ‘why did you steal that thing from your friend?’. I asked, ‘what? when? ’. I was shocked, because I have not done such a thing. Later I realised that she used it only as a strategy to stop my hiccup that was bothering me so much that evening. The general acceptable policy is to return only what was stolen. Sometimes, there may be an extra payment based on the legal formalities. But the policy of the heavenly Kingdom is to give back that which was not stolen! False accusations are natural as long as you are on earth, especially those who bear the name of Christ (1 Pet. 4:14). Remember Jesus said to give our coat also to someone who takes away our shirt and, likewise, we are asked to go the extra mile (Mtt. 5:40-41). Are you willing to return that w