
Showing posts from September, 2020


30 September 2020 B. A. Manakala But the king will rejoice in God. All who swear to tell the truth will praise him, while liars will be silenced (Ps 63:12 nlt). Once a lady was eating at a restaurant. In the middle of the meal she picked up a piece of broken glass from her meal! She shouted and got the attention of all customers around. The restaurant authorities came and begged her pardon. Later, scanning through the CCTV recording it was revealed that she herself placed the piece of glass in the food! By standing for truth we praise God; but liars will be silenced (Ps 63:12). It may often appear that liars prosper; but they can't go on for too long. According to the governor's custom of Judea, Pilate asked: do you want Barabbas (a notorious prisoner) or Jesus to be released. The crowd wanted Barabbas to be released, and Jesus, who himself is 'the truth' (Jn 14:6) to be crucified. All of us know that ultimately the truth prevailed. Let’s not forget the fact that ‘the C


29 Sep 2020 B. A. Manakala But those plotting to destroy me will come to ruin. They will go down into the depths of the earth (Ps 63:9 nlt). On 8th August 2020 National Investigation Agency received an email with a threat to kill the Prime Minister. This may be a regular pattern to receive such threats. Despite such threats the functions of the offices continue normally with necessary security measures. David is sure that those who plot against him will be destroyed (Ps 63:9-10). This assurance is necessary for us to move forward in life. Satan continually plots against children of God. But we are to continue to be focused on God and achieve the goals. We are to put on the whole armour of God and proceed (Eph. 6:13). What would you do to get rid of the fear of the schemes of Satan? Invest your resources for Kingdom work; do not waste them to plot against your enemy! Prayer: Lord, teach me to be focused on you and not on the plots of my enemy. Amen

Cling to

28 Sep 2020 B. A. Manakala I cling to you; your strong right hand holds me securely. (Ps 63:8 nlt) Koovi, a dog waited on the river side for many days after the Pettimudi landslide that claimed about 70 lives. The cops searched and found out the body of its owner from where the dog waited! Finally, koovi was adopted by one of the cops. David clung to God who securely held him (Ps 63:8). The world offers us many things that we can cling to. We develop relationship and intimacy with many people and things as we live on earth. But if we cling on to any of them one day we may be disappointed. Cling on to the One with whom we can live forever! Are there things or people that you cling to? Connect well with people and things on earth; but cling to only what is eternal! Prayer: Lord, guide me to cling to you always. Amen

Real satisfaction

27 September 2020 B. A. Manakala You satisfy me more than the richest feast. I will praise you with songs of joy (Ps 63:5 nlt). A beggar came to me and I had compassion on him. I gave him a bath, changed his dress and took him to an amusement park. I saw that he was still gloomy. At the end of the day he asked me, 'may I have something to eat?'. His face became bright only after he had food. Even the richest meal on earth may not satisfy you fully. David experiences satisfaction from God (Ps 63:5). Unless we identify what is it that can truly satisfies us, we will be wasting a lot of our time and energy. All that we have on earth, including food, clothing, shelter, possessions and health are given by God; but they can satisfy us only momentarily. Even after having Jesus, do you have dissatisfaction in life?  How would you identify it's cause? Identify the root cause of the dissatisfaction, before trying to satisfy yourself with all that you can! Prayer: Lord, please satisfy

As long as I live

26 September 2020 B. A. Manakala I will praise you as long as I live, lifting up my hands to you in prayer. (Ps 63:4 nlt) I have heard friends say when they bid farewell to one another, 'as long as I live, I will not forget you'. I wonder how long such promises remain true. David decides to praise God as long he lives (Ps 63:4). We will do many things as long as we live even without taking a decision about them: eat, sleep etc. In addition, we decide to do several other things as daily routine.  If we decide to praise God always, like David we will also be sure that goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives (Ps 23:6). What do you desire to do as long as you live? If there is only one thing that you would do as long as you live, let it be praising God! Prayer: Lord, train me to keep praising you as long as I live. Amen

Unfailing love

25 September 2020 B. A. Manakala Your unfailing love is better than life itself; how I praise you! (Ps 63:3 nlt) Many people think 'Life's Good' is the full form of the LG (company), though it was from the merging of Lucky and Goldstar companies. Anyway, LG products make life easier today. David is mentioning here about something even better than life: God's unfailing love (Ps 63:3). Let's enjoy life with all the modern facilities and advancements. But let's not forget what is better, valuable and everlasting. At the same time, do not think God is good only when life's good. His unfailing love sustains us even during the troubles in our life. How would you meditate on God's unfailing love in all walks of life? The earthly good life has no guarantee for tomorrow, God's unfailing love has! Prayer: Lord, help me to be focused more on your unfailing love than on my good life. Amen

Gaze upon

24 Sep 2020 B. A. Manakala I have seen you in your sanctuary and gazed upon your power and glory. (Ps 63:2 nlt) The other day when we were on the terrace at dusk, there were a few stars in the sky. My son gazed upon a star while walking around and told me: 'Pappa, look at that star; it is going with me wherever I go'. David saw God in His sanctuary and gazed upon His power and glory (Ps 63:2). This is the key for one's survival in all circumstances. Today some of us may be gazing upon the novel coronavirus and it's after effects, or some other problems. Once we are able to gaze upon God's power we cannot be shaken by anything! Today we are encouraged to fix our eyes upon Jesus (Heb 12:2). Look at all of God's creation and worship Him; gaze upon God and His power! Prayer: Lord, help me to gaze upon you all the days of my life. Amen

Soul thirsts

23 Sep 2020 B. A. Manakala O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water (Ps 63:1 nlt). One of Jesus' sayings on the cross was 'I am thirsty'. The people around him understood it only as a physical thirst; his thirst was probably beyond the physical one. It is clear that David is thirsty both physically and spiritually as he is in a dry land (63:1). We are physically thirsty for many things as we live on earth; but it is more important to satisfy our soul. Once Jesus himself offered to the Samaritan woman the living water and said 'those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again'. Only this can become a fresh bubbling spring (Jn 4:13-14). What are you mostly thirsty for as you live on earth? Water temporarily satisfies your physical thirst; only God can satisfy your spiritual thirst! Prayer: Lord, help me to drink daily from you so that my so

Reward and repayment

22 September 2020 B. A. Manakala unfailing love, O Lord, is yours. Surely you repay all people according to what they have done. (Ps 62:12 nlt) Once we watched a dolphin show. We were amazed at the way the dolphins performed! We noticed that after each performance the dolphins were rewarded with something that they like. We human beings love rewards. Therefore, we give, receive and expect rewards. The rewards we receive on earth encourage us in different ways to move ahead. But if we always expect rewards on earth we may be disappointed. Focus on eternal blessings; God will not disappoint you. As God is just there will also be a repayment for man’s wickedness. What would you do to be focused mainly on the final reward? There is a reward or repayment for all that you do; but Salvation is not based on anything you do! Prayer: Lord, help me to be focused on the final repayment rather than the temporary rewards on earth. Amen

Hear it many times

21 September 2020 B. A. Manakala God has spoken plainly, and I have heard it many times: Power, O God, belongs to you. (Ps 62:11 nlt) When we were young we used to fight with our mother. Sometimes when she got very angry she told us 'you will long to see me'. Though she passed away in 1995 her words often ring in my ears even today. In the noisy world we live today there are plenty of opportunities to hear and see what we like. And we meditate upon many of those as much as we like them. We must allow God's voice echo in our ears as often as possible if we desire to strengthen our inner being. Blessed are those who meditate on the word of God day and night (Ps 1:2). What would you choose to meditate throughout the day? What you repeatedly hear and see will gradually change your life! Prayer: Lord, teach me to hear repeatedly, whatever you speak. Amen

The centre of life

B. A. Manakala 20 Sep 2020 Don’t make your living by extortion or put your hope in stealing. And if your wealth increases, don’t make it the center of your life. (Ps 62:10 nlt) I used to be very careful about where I keep my wallet and how I handle it. But gradually during the pandemic the wallet became an almost useless thing, as all transactions are now made using GPay or other electronic mode. Now I do not bother to carry my wallet at all when I go out! God may bless each one of us with more, or less wealth. But do not let it take over the centre of our life. As long as we are able to let them be 'around', we will not mess up with our lives. The moment we let it capture the centre, it will begin to capture everything else in our lives. Seriously it doesn't matter how much we have; but it matters where we keep what we have. What is in the centre of your life? God will not push through to become the centre of your life; you have to let Him! Prayer: Lord, let me never allow

What are you worth?

19 September 2020 B. A. Manakala Common people are as worthless as a puff of wind, and the powerful are not what they appear to be. If you weigh them on the scales, together they are lighter than a breath of air. (Ps 62:9 nlt) Some time ago I visited an orphanage. There was a smart and handsome boy there. I was shocked to hear that he was sold by his own mother for one lakh (₹100,000) rupees! You are just a breath if you measure yourself based on what you appear to be. But if you continue to breathe the air that was breathed into you (Gen 2:7) in the beginning, you are a lot more worthier than what you think. All that we think we are materially worth for, will become nothing one day. But what you are spiritually worth has eternal value. Is anything worth more than your soul? (Mtt 16:26) Others may value you based on your material possessions; God values you spiritually! Prayer: Lord, help me to understand what am I worth, because of you. Amen

Pour out

18 September 2020 B. A. Manakala O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge. (Ps 62:8 nlt) I remember the one year of our betrothed life. We literally had a lot to share with each other that we always felt sad as we stopped our conversation. Then too we eagerly waited for the next conversation. By the way, as husband and wife, we still cherish our times of sharing with each other. Our God desires that we pour out our heart to Him always. Remember, He reads all that was and is and will be in your heart even if you don't share it! Perhaps, we have certain things that we cannot share with anyone but God. The Lord is waiting for you (Is 30:18); how much are you waiting for Him? How much of your heart do you share with Him? How much you pour out your heart with God is the evidence of how much you love Him! Prayer: Lord, help me to set aside time to pour out my heart to you. Amen

Rock and Refuge

B. A. Manakala My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me. (Ps 62:7 nlt) The cars that the President travels are packed with many safety features. They are bullet-proof, can survive various types of attacks, tyres can run flat etc. 'A rock where no enemy can reach' is how it is translated in the above version. What more can we have as protection? The Lord guards us from the evil one (2 Thess 3:3). Sometimes we get weak in our faith and believe in the lies of the evil one. Nothing in the world can touch you unless He permits, even the pandemic. Are you aware of the protection you are provided? Do not waste resources to build your own fencing beyond what God has already built around you! Prayer: Lord, remind me often to see the Rock on which I am standing. Amen

True honour

B. A. Manakala My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me. (Ps 62:7 nlt) Just as I enrolled for a research programme many people began to add the title 'Dr' to my name! When I am not there yet, does the title bring any honour? David recognised well that honour comes truly from the Lord. Those who serve God and honour Him will be honoured (Jn 12:26; 1 Sam 2:30) Only heavenly honour can last long. The titles and honours acquired on earth will follow us till the grave. Sometimes, the heavenly honours can't be measured using earthly criteria. How would you recognise the honour that comes from the Lord? Earthly honours may be useful as you live on earth; heavenly honours are eternal! Prayer: Lord, help me to earnestly seek heavenly honour. Amen

High position

15 September B. A. Manakala They plan to topple me from my high position. They delight in telling lies about me. They praise me to my face but curse me in their hearts. (Ps 62:4 nlt) Once Billy Graham was asked to be the President of the United States of America. But he considered his position as an evangelist more important. It sounds silly that Saul, the king, was afraid of David, an ordinary man (1 Sam 18:12). But David was aware of his high position (Ps 62:4). You are seated in the heavenly realms (Eph. 2:6) and the rest of the world fears you! Do you realise that you have got the best position you can ever have? The highest position a human being can ever have is to become an adopted child in God's family! Prayer: Lord, help me to remind myself regularly of the position you have given me. Amen

He alone ...

B. A. Manakala He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken. (Ps 62:2 nlt) I  noticed a tree that fell flat on the ground, but still growing! I went closer and found that it’s primary root is still connected. This allows the sap to flow into the branches and thereby the growth. David acknowledges God alone as his rock and salvation. It is important that we have God alone as our primary root in our walk with God. the secondary roots can only support; the tree can’t survive on them too long. As a believer you may still appear to be green for some time even if you have been disconnected from God. But gradually the sap inside dries out, eventually leading to death! Don’t be satisfied that things seem to go well in your Christian life; ensure you are rooted in Him! Prayer: Lord, help me to be rooted in you in all circumstances of my life. Amen

Focusing rightly

B. A. Manakala I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him. (Ps 62:1 nlt) The other day I was on the rooftop watching birds using my binoculars. I had to keep turning the focus knob to avoid the blurred view. My attention was diverted often and watched other things around in between, forgetting the main purpose. Like David, we need to learn to wait and focus our attention in the right direction. Our view is often blurred and focused sometimes on things around. Sadly, we even forget about our major focus, as we get so used to watching things around. How would you remind yourself regularly about your major focus? Blurred view of the world is natural when you are focused rightly on heaven. Prayer: Lord, help me to be focused rightly on you. Amen.


12 September 2020 B. A. Manakala For you have heard my vows, O God. You have given me an inheritance reserved for those who fear your name. (Ps 61:5 nlt) You may have inherited something from your earthly parents; or you are looking forward to receiving such an inheritance. You may have even genetically inherited illnesses and behaviours also! In the above verse David is talking about an inheritance reserved for those who fear God. 1Pet 1:4 says, "and we have a priceless inheritance—an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay." When you truly know about this inheritance all that you may possess and inherit on earth would seem worthless. All that you inherit on earth will be yours only until death. What are you looking forward to inheriting? If you still consider your earthly inheritance as the most valuable, you do not yet know the true value of heavenly inheritance! Prayer: Lord, help me understand the true value of

Where do you live?

10 September 2020 B. A. Manakala Let me live forever in your sanctuary, safe beneath the shelter of your wings! Interlude (Ps 61:4 nlt) In the past few months we lived in a few different houses. One of our friends asked, 'why did you have to move many times?'. Our response was that we live in tents now, and may have to move again; we will settle down later in our 'permanent house'. David is talking about the house that is both safe and eternal (Ps 61:2-4). Wow! How wonderful it would be to live in such a house! We can neither settle down nor be safe in the 'tents' we build on earth, however strong and expensive they are. Let us identify what God is building even here on earth and join Him, as what He builds will be safe and eternal. What are your perspectives on building a safe home? How would you ensure your safety even as you live on earth? Invest sparingly on your temporary tents and lavishly on your eternal homes! Prayer: Lord, let me also, like David, live

God is listening

10 September 2020 B. A. Manakala O God, listen to my cry! Hear my prayer! (Ps 61:1 nlt) We parents are often absent-minded that children come and ask for permission to do something when we are actually not giving attention to them. Later, only when they say we realise, we gave them permission to do something that they are not supposed to do. David is trying to call God's attention here (61:1). We may think we have to remind God to be attentive to our prayers. In fact, the only option to turn God’s  face away from us is to deliberately keep sinning, completely ignoring Him (Is 59:2). When we ask according to His will He hears (Jn 9:31). We may also think God is not listening, when He doesn't answer our prayers in our own time and our own way. How would you assure yourself that God is listening when you pray? You cannot turn God's attention to you just by saying, 'God, listen to me'! Prayer: Lord, teach me to do your will and be assured that you always listen to me. A

Human and God's help

9 September 2020 B. A. Manakala Oh, please help us against our enemies, for all human help is useless. With God’s help we will do mighty things, for he will trample down our foes. (Ps 60:11-12 nlt) "We did all that we can, there is nothing more we can do; now you can seek God's mercy" the doctor said while sending a terminally ill patient home. We recently noticed this on a hospital wall: "we treat, God heals". No human being can manage on his own! This is why in the beginning God created Eve as a 'suitable helper' for Adam. We need help from both man and God. However, there is a difference between the two: human help has boundaries and God's doesn't. How would you place your ultimate trust in God even while taking help from people? Human help may become useless, if God doesn't work! Prayer: Lord, help me to maintain good perspectives on helping others and taking help from you. Amen.

Don't wear these sandals!

8 September 2020 B. A. Manakala God has promised this by His holiness. I will divide up Shechem with joy. I will measure out the valley of Succoth. Ps 59:5 (nlt) I dressed up to attend a wedding. When I was about to leave home my young daughter who was eating chocolate wanted to come to me. I could not even give her a hug and leave as she had chocolate all over her. God can dwell only in holiness. He acts, speaks and does everything from His holiness. His promises cannot be false as He cannot lie. He wants us to be consecrated as we approach Him (Letv. 11:44; 1 Pet. 1:16). The good news is that Christ has already made us pure and holy (1 Cor. 1:30) and through him we can approach God any time anywhere. But as we live on earth we still have opportunities to live in sin. Once God had to warn Moses to remove his sandals (Act. 7:33). What kind of “sandals” would you want to remove? How would you, by faith, approach the Father through Jesus Christ? God is holy; by faith He has made you holy

Lord our banner

6 September 2020 B.A. Manakala But you have raised a banner for those who fear you— a rallying point in the face of attack. Ps 60:4 (nlt) A few days ago, on the 15th of August, India raised its flag as a symbol of pride and victory. A sense of pride arises in each Indian citizen as the flag is hoisted. David is acknowledging that God has raised a banner on their behalf (Ps, 60:4).Once Moses built an altar and named it ‘the Lord is my banner’ (Ex 17:15-16). We tend to raise our own banner to display to people around us, our victory, achievements, identity etc. But do we misrepresent ourselves with the banners we raise? How can we have the Lord himself as our banner? We do not have to raise a banner if the Lord himself raises one for us. Prayer: Lord open my eyes to see the banner that you have raised on my behalf. Amen

My beloved …

7 September 2020 B. A. Manakala Now rescue your beloved people. Answer and save us by your power. Ps 60:5 (nlt) When school days were ending I collected an autograph from my best friend. He wrote on the last page of the book, "the pages of this book end here, but our friendship will last forever!" In reality, we both have no mutual contact today! We may only have our immediate family members as dear ones for lifetime. God addresses you as "My dear …" (fill in in your name and read). Once we begin our relationship with God we are His beloved ones forever, to eternity (Jer 31:3). How would you remind yourself daily that you are His beloved forever? The beloved ones on earth will depart one day; but we are His beloved ones forever! Prayer: Lord, teach me to be reminded of your love moment by moment. Amen 

Have you drunk this wine?

B. A. Manakala You have been very hard on us, making us drink wine that sent us reeling. Ps 60:3 (nlt) In my language, Malayalam, there is an idiom like ‘you made me drink plenty of tears’ to mean that ‘you gave me plenty of trouble’. In Hebrew poetry ‘drinking wine’ is often attached to suffering and pain. God sometimes gives us this cup of wine (Ps. 59:5); and sometimes He will take the cup away from us (Is. 51:22). Once Jesus asked his disciples are you able to drink from the cup of suffering? (Mtt. 20:22) It is fine to desire for the cup to be taken away even as Jesus did, by praying to his Father, ‘if you are willing, take this cup from me’ (Lk 22:42). But as Jesus knew the purpose of the cup, he yielded to his Father’s will. What perspective do you want to have towards your cup of suffering? Drinking the cup of suffering is like delivering a baby; the joy at the end of the suffering wipes away the pain! Prayer: Lord, give me sufficient grace to drink the cups you intend for me. A

Shaky land

B. A. Manakala You have shaken our land and split it open. Seal the cracks, for the land trembles. Ps 60:2 (nlt) Many years ago once I was praying on the fifth floor of a building. Suddenly I felt that the building was shaking. I quickly ran out and came to know that there was an earthquake! We construct buildings on top of very strong foundations, often without realising that the foundation is actually on a shaky land, including the rocks. There is only One who can shake the land, split it open and even seal the cracks (60:2). The material world we live in is quite shaky. One day even heaven and earth will disappear (Mtt 24:35). Can we build something that will last even after all that we see will be gone? Everything we see in the universe is shaky! One day they will all be gone. Chase after the things that will last forever. Prayer: Lord, help me to build on you and your word that will last forever. Amen

Is God angry with you?

B. A. Manakala You have rejected us, O God, and broken our defenses. You have been angry with us; now restore us to your favor. Ps 60:1 (nlt) Children are generally angry with their parents when they are disciplined. In my experience their anger is momentary and they come back with lots of love very soon. David is sure that God is angry with his army; but he prays for restoration of His favour upon them (Ps. 60:1). God cannot be angry forever (Jer. 3:5; Ps. 103:9), especially when we desire for a restored relationship. Let us ask God for forgiveness daily as the Lord taught in his prayer (Mtt. 6:12). Then we may live with the assurance that he has forgiven us. Have you been thinking that God has not forgiven you something for some reason? What would you do for a restored relationship? God’s anger melts more quickly than you think, when you desire for a restored relationship! Prayer: Lord, help me to be assured of your forgiveness on a daily basis. Amen

Sing in the morning

B. A. Manakala But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. Ps 59:16 (nlt) 'If I can just show the bed to my body, it will just fall on it and sleep off', is generally my thought by the end of the day before going to bed. And definitely, this is not my best time to spend with the Lord. It doesn't matter what time of the day we spend with God; in fact, we must be deliberately connected to Him throughout the day. But the time we set aside for the Lord must be the best time of the day. It may not be the same for each person. But let it be when our mind is not burdened with various other things and possibly no distractions. The steadfast love of the Lord is new every morning (Lan 3:22-23). If we realise this in the morning, our hearts will automatically begin to sing and praise. Do you know that your heart can sing to the Lord even if you are not a talented singer? Make it a point to sing to t

Sleep hungry!

B. A. Manakala They scavenge for food but go to sleep unsatisfied. Ps 59:15 (nlt) We feed our baby before she goes to bed around 10 pm so that she sleeps until morning. But sometimes if we feed her a little earlier she wakes up in the middle of the night and cries for milk. David is taking about his enemies who are unsatisfied. Street dogs may sleep hungry (Ps 59:14-15); even young lions may go hungry, but those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing (34:10). You may sometimes have to sleep with your physical hunger; yet you will lie down and sleep in peace (Ps 4:8). He satisfies your desires with good things (103:5). Do you ever sleep unsatisfied? How would you trust the Lord to satisfy you? Physical food satisfies you physically; spiritual food satisfies you spiritually. Prayer: Lord, train me to be satisfied in you always. Amen